Business Continuity

How resilient is your organisation? Can you continue to service your customers in the case of a disaster?, how long can your organisation afford to be offline before financial and service issues impact your brand significantly ? More importantly during a disaster, do Senior Management and Board have the confidence that the organisation has the leadership, training and capability to successfully enact and implement its business continuity plans?
The Resilience Management Group provides a range of consulting services in the Business Continuity Management (BCM) space that goes beyond the normal risk assessment, resource identification and plan development, good practice BCM is about strong leadership in the face of a disaster that in conjunction with tested and accurate recovery plans significantly reduce ongoing risks and liability for an organisation.
Our services include:

1. Business Continuity Management Health Checks

Let our professionals undertake a health check of your current Business Continuity Management System. We cover all areas of best of practice business continuity including Business Impact Analysis (BIA) analysis, Business Function Profiling (Criticality Assignment), Recovery strategies, Business Continuity Plans (BCP), Testing and Reporting.

2. Business Continuity Plan Development

Working in partnership with your business we will develop simple yet thorough BCP documents that give you the confidence that should you ever be in a position to enact them, the Plans will give you best chance to recover to a business as usual state as soon as possible.

Our team of experts use the global BCM standard BS-25999 and Australian Standard ISO 22301.