Incident Management

How effective is your organisation in responding, recovering and learning from events or hazards that have the potential to impact on staff, your customers, reputation and finances ? Are all your staff and management aware of how the organisation defines an incident situation ? Are staff aware that incorrect reporting and notification can escalate an incident into a crisis in a very short timeframe?

Let the Resilience Management Group work with you to establish the organisational capability to approach any incident with confidence by establishing an Incident Management Framework that can respond and recover from an event that could have significant impact on organisational risk profiles, insurance premiums, customer relations and the ongoing reputation of your business.

Our team of experienced professional provide the following services:

1. Incident Management Framework Health Checks

From identification and escalation protocols, incident management team structures, roles and responsibilities, incident logs and debriefs; our team reviews the effectiveness of each key element of your Incident Management Framework, identifying areas of improvement to give your business the confidence it deserves if it ever needs to activate its incident management team.

2. Incident Management Framework Development

A turnkey solution where our professionals work with your business to design the best Incident Management Framework that is intuitive and provides you the best change to transition from incident response to recovery. We focus on the key areas of incident risk management, reputation management, internal and external communications, media communications, HR and Safety issue.

3. Scenario Role Play and Framework Testing

Ranging from simple desktop exercises to comprehensive role playing scenarios which test all facets of your Incident Management Framework. Resilience Management Group professionals can design and facilitate the right exercises to build confidence in your Incident Management Teams and give them the necessary experience and practice should the need ever arise to put practice into action.

4. Part 6 Community Protection Act Compliance Audit and Attestation

If your business is an essential service provider, then you are aware of your compliance obligations under Part 6 of the Community Protection (Terrorism) Act 2003. Having an independent assessment and audit of your Terrorism Risk Management Plan against the Act is vital for compliance against the Act; the Resilience Management Group will assist you to meet this obligation by providing a detailed audit of your risk plan and work with you to ensure your compliance obligations are met.

5. Incident Debrief Facilitation

Independent assessment following a large incident is critical in providing an experienced and non judgemental assessment of how your Incident Management Framework performed. Our special methodology in after incident assessment focuses on all key areas of incident response and recovery; working with all those involved to highlight areas of strength to be built upon and also recommend remedial actions where area of risk and or inadequacy are found.

Our team of experts uses the Australasian Inter-Service Incident Management System (AIIMS) nationally recognised incident management system for all state and federal government bodies and authorities.